As we know, the latest AI technologies has significantly transformed many industries, and the digital art industry is not exempt. AI image generator tools have brought the art of making beautiful images to different levels of complexity within everyone’s reach. From concept art to sharing on social media, these tools help enthusiasts, professionals, artists, and large corporations conceptualize an idea and deliver it with a few specific prompts.

In this article, we will talk about the top 5 AI image generator tools of 2024.  We will provide detailed information on the features and strengths of the selected tools and how you can enhance your creative projects.  

Table of Contents:

What is An AI Image Generator Tool?

An AI image generator tool is a software application for creating images. It uses deep learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to generate a completely new image. Moreover, it can transform images into entirely new ones with specific inputs( text prompts). The tool uses generative adversarial networks (GAN) to create hyper-realistic pictures of people, real objects, and imaginary creative arts. 

Some Key Features of AI Image Generator Tools

AI image generator tools have some exciting features that make them useful for enthusiasts and professionals.
Here are some key features of AI Image Generator Tools: 

  • You can create an entirely new image with specifically given prompts. Images can range from jaw-dropping landscapes to real-life celebrities.
  • You can use AI image generator tools to Improve the quality of the images.
  • Artists, graphic designers, and enthusiasts can use versatile art styles and create a specific image based on that art style or genre.
  • AI image generator tools provide realistic business designs and photoshoots based on the prompts. Therefore, they can be used for commercial purposes, provided you follow the terms and Conditions.

Factors Should Know Before Using An AI Image Generator Tool

Before using an AI image generator tool, you should keep a few factors in mind. These key factors are:

AI image generator tools are not perfect. Although they have exceptional capabilities, they have some serious flaws. AI image generator tools created numerous embarrassing images on social media. Moreover, the AI image generator tool makes several common mistakes, like showing multiple hands or limbs or distorted fingers. However, with better prompts, AI can deliver better outputs.

Do not use your creative freedom to create AI-generated images and claim them to be real. This can be labeled as misleading content on social media. Several misleading viral photos and videos on Instagram and Facebook are AI-generated. Content like these are often used to spread fake news or make false claims.

You should hire graphic designers and photographers if you want high-quality photos and creatives. While AI tools are excellent for tweaking your images or enhancing your designs, they are not a reliable source for consistent good designs and graphics. Additionally, AI image generator tools often need improvement in creating specific content.

You can use AI-generated images as a temporary fix for your business profile or LinkedIn profile picture, but avoid using them on a broader level. Nonetheless, with proper knowledge of using prompts, graphic designers, entrepreneurs, and SMBs can use AI image generator tools to conceptualize and build their creatives.

How To Use An AI Image Generator Tool

Using an AI image generator tool is not rocket science. AI image generator tool works based on your given text prompts, creating several images based on them. It can save a lot of time for graphic designers and professionals. With text prompts, you can go wild in creating images. You can use an AI image generator tool to:

  • Create a logo.
  • Covers and illustrations for works.
  • Create engaging and unique content for your blogs, social media, and campaigns.
  • LinkedIn profile images and content.
  • If you are an artist or interior designer, you can use an AI image generator tool to visualize a concept and create a framework for your projects.

Here is the list of top 5 AI image generator tools:

  • Adobe Firefly
  • Midjourney
  • Dall-E 3 AI Image Generator
  • Canva’s Free AI Image Generator
  • Bing AI Image Generator

Adobe Firefly

Adobe Firefly is a widely famous AI image generation tool for graphic designers and photographers. This tool offers multiple features, such as image generation, image enhancement, and changing the background. It also has versatile options that make it essential for creative portals. Adobe Firefly is developed by Adobe. You can access Firefly from Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Express, and other Adobe tools or go straight to

Adobe Firefly is free for the first 25 credits. By paying $4.99, you can get 100 credits per month.


Midjourney is a general artificial intelligence program developed by Midjourney. It is known for its ability to create artistic and imaginative images. Due to its detailed surreal visuals, Midjourney is loved by artists and enthusiasts. You can access Midjourney through the Discord server. This is a paid AI image generator tool. Its price starts from $10 per month for 200 images and other commercial use rights.

Dall-E 3 AI Image Generator

Dall-E 3 is one of the easiest AI generator tools. Its parent company is OpenAI. You can access Dall-E 3 in ChatGPT Plus or Enterprise, API, and Bing’s AI Copilot. Dall-E 3 is an add-on service for ChatGPT Plus at $20 per month, but you can use it for free in Bing’s AI Copilot.

Canva’s Free AI Image Generator

Canva has also introduced an AI image generator for artists and graphic designers. This tool is straightforward to use. Canva Pro users have full access to AI generation and can create custom images using text prompts. Canva Pro users can benefit from AI-powered editing features. On the other hand, free users can access AI-generated elements, but they are limited. Canva’s free version offers essential image editing tools like background removal, and users might find some free AI elements in Canva.

Bing AI Image Generator

Image generated by Bing AI Image Generator on Techavo System
Image generated by Bing AI Image Generator

Bing Image Creator is powered by Dall-E 3. Dall-E 3 is a paid AI image generator tool on other AI platforms. You can leverage Dall-E 3 in Bing Image Creator for free. There is a subtle difference between Dall-E 3 and Bing Image Creator regarding commercial use. Though Bing Image Creator is powered by Dall-E 3, you can only use the Bing AI image generator tool for personal and non-commercial projects.


Several  AI image generator tools are out there focused on generating images through artificial intelligence and deep learning. We can see many new AI image generator tools, and updates are made yearly. Nonetheless, the AI image generator platforms described in this article are the best and the most advanced examples of AI Image generation technology, and they are very efficient and flexible.

When using these AI image generator tools, note that outstanding images can only be generated by practicing and knowing the hubs of each website. Integrating creative inputs into your visions and using artificial intelligence can help you create almost anything, including marvelous visual creations. Digital art is here to stay and promises to grow from its current successes.


Q. What is the best AI tool to generate images?
A: Multiple AI image generator tools are considered to be the best for generating AI images. DALL-E 3, Midjourney, Adobe Firefly, Canvas Free Image AI Generator, and Bing Image Creator are some of today’s best AI image generator tools.

Q. Is Dall-E 2 free?

A: No, Dall-E 2 is no longer available for free. Users who signed up for Dall-E 2 before April 6, 2023, were given 40 credits per month, but this does not roll over. New users must purchase credits. The minimum purchase is 115 credits for $15. These credits expire after 12 months.

Q. Is Midjourney free?
A: As of August 2024, Midjourney is no longer free. It offers different plans, with customers able to subscribe to specific packages. The minimum package is $10 per month or $96 per year. Every plan comes with Midjourney’s member gallery and Discord access.

Q. Can ChatGPT create images?
A: Yes, you can use ChatGPT to generate images. While many users see ChatGPT as a text generator, you can also write text prompts to create images powered by DALL-E 3. To do this, you have to subscribe to ChatGPT packages.

Q. Is Dall’e better than Midjourney?
A: According to the user reviews, DALL-E is better for photorealistic images. With continuous and faster improvements and updates, DALL-E 3 has become one of the users’ primary choices. On the other hand, user reviews indicate that Midjourney is better for illustrations, digital arts, and surrealism.

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Abhijit Roy Content Writer
Abhijit Roy is your next-door writer who has experience in the Esports industry, B2B tech and jotting down complex topics into engaging reads. This Veteran writer loves to share his opinion about every tech video he watched last night.